Colloquium: Dr Melinda Fricke presents on Graduate Student Professional Development: How to Write an Abstract

September 11, 2020 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm


Graduate Student Professional Development: How to Write an Abstract 

Melinda Fricke, Department of Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh 


In the academic world, abstracts are used to quickly and efficiently transmit information for a variety of purposes.  To a certain extent, developing good abstract writing skills requires time, repetition, and repeated exposure to the format.  However, becoming aware of the mechanics of abstract writing can help fast-track the process of refining your skills.  In this workshop we will explicitly break down the components of a good abstract in a systematic fashion, with plenty of practical tips, examples, and discussion.  We will also talk about some of the many purposes abstracts are used for, and will consider how the skills involved in writing a good abstract can be transferred to other areas, such as crafting effective talks, papers, and grant applications.  All attendees are strongly encouraged to bring their own abstracts, whether previously submitted or currently in prep, to allow for hands-on practice and discussion in small groups. 

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