Dr Amanda Huensch: "Getting Started Publishing in Academia"

November 6, 2020 - 3:30pm to 4:45pm


Getting Started Publishing in Academia

Publishing is an important aspect of an academic career, but the process can often appear to be a ‘black box’ for new(er)comers. In this colloquium session, we will begin by briefly considering why we publish. We will discuss the various types of publications outlets and talk about strategies for choosing where we might publish and why. Next, I will provide a brief overview of different review structures and timelines for publication. I will share tips and advice based on my own publishing experience, which includes working as associate editor for Applied Psycholinguistics and reviews editor for the Journal of Second Language Pronunciation. Throughout, I will emphasize what I consider to be the two most important takeaways for those new to publishing in academia: seek out mentorship and start planning now.

If you haven’t done so already, I invite graduate students to complete this brief survey before the session:https://pitt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bguBHdKSrhsLvmZ




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Passcode: colloq20