Lorraine Denman: "Rethinking the Foreign Language Curriculum: The Italian Program at Pitt”

February 19, 2021 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm


"Rethinking the Foreign Language Curriculum: The Italian Program at Pitt”

This presentation outlines the modifications made to the Italian language program and majors at Pitt beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year. The Italian program modified its curriculum not only to eliminate outdated practices still common to many foreign language (FL) programs (e.g., strict beliefs about seat time, ineffective student assessments, monolithic ideas about culture), but to also meet the needs of stakeholders affiliated with the program. Incorporating input from stakeholders and pedagogical approaches such as content-based instruction, multiliteracies, and genre-based writing practices, the Italian program attempts to meet the needs of students while conducting praxis based on research in SLA and FL pedagogy. This presentation will include data from student assessments and questionnaires that will demonstrate the efficacy of the curriculum.  

Bio: Lorraine Denman is a Senior Lecturer and the Italian Language Program Coordinator at the University of Pittsburgh, where she has taught Italian language and culture at all levels since 2006. Her current research focuses on students’ reactions to written corrective feedback and other research interests include curricular planning and development and pedagogy focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the L2 classroom. 




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