PhD candidate Sean Nonnenmacher co-author on research brief

Sean Nonnenmacher, a PhD candidate in sociolinguistics, is a co-author on a new research brief about the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in American K-12 schools. Sean was part of a team of researchers working with GLSEN, a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure LGBTQ+ students are able to learn and grow in school environments free from bullying and harassment. This report is based on 20 in-depth interviews from GSA students who participated in a larger survey-based project, the GLSEN Research Institute’s GSA Study. Narratives from a diverse group of student leaders in terms of race and gender were analyzed, and the report details several themes: how to recruit club members, how to create inclusive GSAs, and how to create effective and sustainable clubs. The report also provides practical recommendations for creating and sustaining inclusive GSAs for ever-changing cohorts of middle and high school students.